I went to Manhattan on Friday, and I took a visit into Anthropologie. Now, I've heard of Anthropologie, but I've never really given it a whole lot of thought. Stepping into the store, though, I realized... Oh.My.Word. I've just found my soulmate in a store. The whole set up of the store was whimsical and dreamlike. I fell in love. Sadly, my lowly student budget cannot afford Anthropologie just yet. BUT the store did remind me of a movie I saw a while back and remember thinking was adorable. This movie was
Penelope, which, as I read once, seemed as though Anthropologie threw up all over it. I think that describes it well, as I remember loving the whole setting of
Penelope. Thought I'd add some screen caps incase you haven't see it.
Fui a Manhattan en viernes, y visite Anthropolgie. Ahora, he oido de Anthropologie, pero nunca no lo pense sobre. Pero, cuando camine en la tienda, realizo...Dios Mio. He encontrado mi alma en una tienda. El pintado de la tienda es caprichoso y onirico. Me enamoro. Tristemente, aunque, no puedo permitirme Anthropologie ahora. PERO rencuentro una pelicula que es como Anthrologie, Penelope. Anade imagenes si no lo ves. Pero, debes mirarlo, es genial.
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