We climbed this bell tower. It was narrow and full of small steps and it was extremely easy to trip and fall to an vicious death.

But the sites were pretty much worth it. 

Especially the Duomo, which is probably the most sunning thing you'll ever see possibly. Especially atop the bell tower. And that fact that no one has been able to recreate it centuries after it was created is amazing. (I think it was Brunelleschi who created it, and he burned his drawings afterwards)

And of course the shopping was wonderful. Here are shots of some of my purchases. My lovely friend Kath was so kind to model the masque I got and here is a closer shot of my jacket. Oh jeez looking back at these shots makes me miss the trip even more. I can't wait for college so I can go abroad once more.
I love that jacket on you. I have two leather jackets and both pricey but so worth it!! It looks like a deal and it will last forever and remind you of your trip!
Love the jacket so much! This scenery is so gorgeous. I want to be there.
Gorgeous! I'm dreaming of Italy right now...
wonderful pictures! so jealous of your awesome trip!
Oh! It looks like so much fun. And you're supposed to buy expensive leather jackets on vacation. :)
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