I'm feeling another one of those random posts coming on =)
1. Outfit

2. Flowers
They cheer up these rainy May days. How I wish May was what it should be--sunny to the point of whimsical!

3. Summer To-Do

- Learn Mandarin
-Get Book Published
-Become fluent in Spanish
-Read all the books on my shelf
-Make lotsa money
-Finish health packet
-Get the ins & outs of Calculus before next year
-Get to Summer Nats for Swimming (double a day swim practices and lifting!!)
-Maintain a semi-fashionable attire
-Find a better way of photographing said attire...
-Have lotsa fun!
4. New Profile Picture =)
What do you think yay or nay?

5. Asian Inspiration
In my Asian drama watching, I have become enchanted with Taiwan (don't ask me why!). I love the celebs there, although the skinny thing scares me! Most actresses are double digits in their weights and I weight as much as some of the guys! But, regardless, they're still lovely and the boys are quittee handsome. =)

Have a fun weekend everyone and thank you so much for all the compliments on prom! I don't know if I'll be able to update soon! I have finals in a week or so=( and the hard part of training for swimming is coming up!
you have a lot of high goals! if you need help with getting a book published, let me know and i would love to help! i have four writers in my family and married to one :)
keep us updated on your goals!
and yes, i am loving the mask on the profile pic!
I like your to-do list! I need to work on mine, although mine will be a winter list instead of a summer one :)
YAY YAY to your current display pic!! :)
you just reminded me that i seriously need some "need to do" list.sometimes when u get older.. you get so distracted with whats around, you might forget the basics of principles and goals.
i need some serious list list list!
btw babes.. i love your prom dress.. from the other girls i have seen.. you're the best dress and i am sure you outshone many girls with thye choice of your dress. you look beautiful
love your goals,they are all wonderful. yay to the profile pic!
muah x
The girls are pretty too!
And if you need help with Mandarin, I'll help! (:
Profile pic - YAY.
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