Okay, so I do not have a significant other (nor am I even remotely close to having one) but one of my favorite singers/celebrities, Taiwanese singer Arron Yan (part of Farenheit) has this song "
Ti Amo." I listened to it for the first time today and I thought it was the prettiest song ever! Even if you don't speak Mandarin, know Mandarin, or even like it, this song is just lovely to listen to. But, anyhow, it got me to thinking how man ways you can tell the people in your lives that you love them. Family, friends, loves---there are many ways to say it =)
I Love You
Wo Ai Ni
Ti Amo
Te Quiero
Sa Rang Hae
Ai Shiteru

Obviously I'm missing quite a few, and my foreign film watching is pretty limited. Feel free to add on any more that you know of and, hey, even name the languages each of these are in! (Albeit, I'm sure most of them are pretty easy). =)
And, while you're at it, if you're lucky enough to have someone who loves you, make sure to let them know!
I love these pictures! Wow!
Sucha sweet post <3
Beautiful post!
I think the perfect way to say I love you is for the individual to decide. And maybe even different from love to love in ones life..
aw, those are all so sweet! =)
awww, that's so sweet! i love this little montage of love! :)
awwww so precious!! XOXO
Aww, so sweet.
In Indonesian: "Aku cinta kamu" :)
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