Currently Wearing...
My new fedora-style hat. It's from Walmart (buries head in political shame), but in my defense I was in there with friends buying shirts to make for our swim team. I figured this fedora was a good starter as it was only seven bucks and if I lost it/ruined it by mistake, it wasn't a huge waste.
Currently Reading...
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley & Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott
Expected to love Eight Cousins, as love Alcott's writing and that genre, but surprisingly intrigued by Brave New World. I was excepting to hate it (school book!), but it's really disturbingly interesting! I couldn't quite put it down.
Currently Singing Along to...
Like the new music? I've discovered some new favorites "Next in Line" was free on Itunes; Can't stop listening to "Body Control" and my mom was listening to Pat Benatar in the car one day, and I couldn't stop listening to the CD! Yay 80s Ooh and Marie Digby's new album, love her songs so much!
Currently Watching...
Just watched Bridget Jones's Diary last night. Favorite Chick Flick ever. Period. She's just too hilarious and Colin Firth is too adorable. Too bad he's older than my dad =(
Currently Thinking...
About my birthday party! It's the first one I've had in a while, called "Seventeen Candles." As I'm going to be 17 on the 17th! I'm excited and my friend Abby whose been at baking camp is going to make something delicious and decadent for it! I keep thinking of Blair's seventeenth party... hmmm Though nobody like Chuck Bass is coming =)
Currently Doing...
Testing out my scrapbooking skils and organizing my magazine pages collection. Quite a mess at the moment... PS Does anyone know any good advice about slashing a t-shirt. I really want to do one, but I kind of don't know how to start!
How 'bout everyone else?

Currently Reading...

Expected to love Eight Cousins, as love Alcott's writing and that genre, but surprisingly intrigued by Brave New World. I was excepting to hate it (school book!), but it's really disturbingly interesting! I couldn't quite put it down.
Currently Singing Along to...

Currently Watching...

Currently Thinking...

Currently Doing...

How 'bout everyone else?
I love Brave New World. Its one of my favourite books. Lol, and Bridgets Jones Diary is HILARIOUS!
Cute hat! Brave New World is such a good book. It was my obsession a couple of years ago.
ahh the fedora is adorable on you!
-i also get on scrapbooking/collaging kicks and my floor looks much like yours!
Awesome post!
I am thinking about my birthday too, yet its not as close as yours! I am turning 16 on december 1st
love your hat!!
love this post on all your currents dear! how cute is that fedora on you, you are gorge!
love Bridget Jones, particularly part one.
hope the planning for your party goes well honey!
I want GG to come back soon!!
That is an amazing photograph of you. Helloooo, gorgeous!
Do enter my Current/Elliott jeans giveaway here ( Simply write your own "petite novella" (or short fashion fiction) about the outfit you/a character would wear incorporating those jeans & leave it in the comments! Have fun, be creative - you have a week! It can be a sentence long, or a few paragraphs! I would loooove to read your entry!
La C.
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