lady gaga in vogue?

It's true. Lady Gaga makes a cameo in Vogue.
She joins Andrew Garfield and Lily Cole in a
"Hansel & Gretel" themed shot (by Annie Leibowitz).
I'm personally a fan, I like her take on a fashion witch.

In other news, I've gotten a new laptop (Windows 7!)
And posts should be a little more elaborate.
And I can finally properly get back to everyone's comments.



Melanie's Randomness said...

Ohhh this is so cute of a shoot. Those tree guys are a lil creepy. I love Lady Gaga I think she's so fashion forward & cool!!

Aww Congrats on the new laptop!!

Leia said...

I love Lady Gaga! :)

Anonymous said...

wow.great shoots.i like the fairy tale theme..

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Beautiful shots, lily cole looks as gorgeous as ever! Lady Gaga is alright in these shots, im not normally a fan of her!

KV said...

woah, couldn't recognize her.

Valeriesoh said...

i am always a fan of lady Gaga.... Love her style.

how was your weekend?


Cafe Fashionista said...

Oh Gaga, how I adore you!

Yay for your new laptop! How exciting! :)

Sherin said...

I love it. Lady Gaga looks really good, and so does Lily Cole.

Couture Carrie said...

Very cool shoot!
And congrats on the new laptop!!


Ella Gregory said...

Gaga is growing on me, I must say!

noone said...

ohh i didn't even recognize lady gaga until you pointed her out! Very neat! and Leighton Meester's song is ok... it's good and the video is hot, but I like "good girls gone bad" more :D

Anonymous said...

Haha love this and I LOVE Lady Gaga!!!!

Haute World said...

Brilliant shoot! I love the dramatic take on this tale and if anyone can pull of being an overly eccentric witch, it's Ms. Gaga. The baking scene image is my favorite...

Oh and congrats on getting a new laptop!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

She eternally fascinates me!