So, if you haven't already, I strong recommend going out and buying the new Taylor Swift album. It is positively amazing. I mean, seriously her voice sounds better, the lyrics are stronger, and she is just absolutely adorable. The fact that sundresses and cowboy boots are her ideal outfit, and she has a dry sense of humor just make me love her even more. It's one of my 2009 goals to go see & meet her in concert. If I ever met her, I think I'd just die of excitement,
Buy her album. Pretty please. It will be the best purchase of your life.
(Personal favorites: Love Story, Hey Stephen, You Belong With Me, Best Day, && The Way I Loved You)
Robert Pattinson

I've gotta say I've loved the guy since Harry Potter, but, as bandwagon as this is to say, I really have started to notice him now that he's in Twilight. (Which I'm seeing Friday!) I think he is absolutely gorgeous, and the more interviews I see or read of him, the more and more I fall in love with him. The fact that he feels awkward in front of the camera; has the driest sense of humor ever, and is the loner, artsy type makes him Mr. Perfect in my eyes. The fact that he's ac crooner and has that awesome Brit accent, elevates him to Prince Charming status. I just read an interview he had with Seventeen, and all I can say is, "Will you go on a date with me, Rob?"
PS, kudos to for the pictures
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