So last night was finally a night all to myself. As in I got off work an hour and a half early, had no parties or plans to speak of, and no last minute plans from the parents. And I wasn't about to pass out from practice. It was...
nice. Don't get me wrong the last two days were fun and full of laughter, but every now and then a little down time is just what I need.
So what do I do? Well, I have slight ADD when it comes to this stuff. I bounce between a million different things, reading blogs being one of them.....
I start out pretty good.. reading.. except I have multiple current books: Eight Cousins, Lord of the Flies, & Fruits Basket Vol 17, plus my Mandarin 1 book. I can count to ten now! yi, er, san, si, wu....

Thoughh eventually I turn to my dear old laptop and decide to indulge in my addiction: Asian Dramas. I'm pretty sure they're like my reality shows. This one is "Fated to Love You":
While watching/ reading I wonder if I should do anything about the fact that I only have one working light in my fan....

And decided to cut up a mango to eat instead.

white dress-old navy, gray dress-heritage, shoes-converse, flower crown-florence shop
For the record I put on suntan lotion more often now. In fact yesterday at work I put on SPF 50! I just...can't avoid the blackening process. So I'm not neglecting my skin and uber tanning, it just sorta happens.... =)
How do you guys spend your down nights?
i lvoe that wreath!
Lord of the Flies is such a good book. That flower crown is gorgeous!!!
I love mangoes...
I am currently craving..
Mm mangoes are my favorite! (:
La C.
lovethe mix of what you got up to, the Asian dramas,the headpiece, the yummy mango adn love the dresses on you!
muah x
Oh I do love me time! I can never decide what to do.. And get bored.. I get bored alot even when I am out and about.. Suprise I am in no boredom coma!! Beautiful pictures and love the shoes. I have a pair like that but they are floral!
Your evening in sounds perfect. I haven't had one in ages. But I love just sititng in my room, just reading and listening to music.
love both your dresses :)
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