weightless, with every kiss you steal

I shall be on the road again! Another week away from blogging (I'm going to have tons of posts to read when I get home!!) I have nationals for swimming this week, lots of packing to do. I would post cool pictures of the outfits I'm considering, but, well, I'm leaving tomorrow and the above picture is about as far as I've gotten! Instead I'll leave you all with my two new pairs of shoes from Charlotte Russe...

Chanel-esque no?
And some pictures I took of pages that didn't survive my scissors during the scrapbooking....
I don't know who this model is... It's from a spread from Allure, but she is so adorable! I wish I had her looks, she's got that perfect relaxed, beachy look. And this was just the pic that didn't survive, the other pictures are even lovelier!

PS I hope you like the new layout, I'm experimenting with two columns... See you all in a week!

Also... I'm not normally a fan of Lil Wayne, but somehow I really like this remix. Am I alone?!

&& Thank you Le Journal de Mode for my Sexy Blogger Award =)


Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Oh it is no problem to give you the award you deserve it!
I hope you have fun at your swimming, and those shoes are adorable!
that model is very pretty

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Awesome flats--I especially like the second pair.

Sherin said...

I love those first pair of shoes. And I like the new layout. It looks very nice.

Amelia said...

Ooh, good luck at nationals! I love both pairs of shoes. The first is so wonderfully classic.

Anonymous said...

hello dear!
have fun with the swimming!:D

KV said...

Love the second pumps, soo beautiful! <3

noone said...

I like the first pair of your Charlotte Russe! Its so pretty yet it looks so comfy at the same time :)

yiqin; said...

The second pair of shoes look really fab!

Anonymous said...

those flats are so cute! i love the watercolor print ones.

la petite fashionista said...

i especially like the water color pair!
i'm always making my collages of old magazines and saving my favorite editorials. i looove that last image!


I love your Chanel-esque flats! They're beautiful!

La C.

S.Elisabeth said...
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